This month, we’d like you to meet a family in Ukraine, for whom life was tough even before the pandemic and the war. Now MWB is supporting them, helping them to thrive amidst overwhelming challenges …
Roman T. (51) and his wife Iryna (41), live in western Ukraine with their children Viktoria, Mykhaylo, Anita, Leonid, and twins Rita & Ruvyn. Both parents come from farming backgrounds and are used to the demands of agricultural work.
Life has always been tough – but Roman and Iryna are optimistic by nature, and in 2018 began to cultivate more land and bought livestock to breed. Soon afterwards however, the pandemic hit, and then large-scale war broke out in 2022. Inflation and a downturn in the economy became their new reality.
Roman said, “There was enough money for nappies but nothing else. Our three youngest were born close together, and at a time when my earnings were extremely low. My wife prayed that the children wouldn’t get sick because we had no money for treatment.”
“I was embarrassed that I, as a man, couldn’t cope with the role of provider. Thank God that my wife never got annoyed at me about it.”
Iryna added, “Farming is the only source of income for us. We started getting poorer as the situation in the country became worse. My husband never let frustration or any negative thoughts to take over. He stays strong, so I stay optimistic too.”
Despite the challenges they face, Roman and Iryna are full of energy, always smiling, and that enthusiasm is evident in their children as well.
The family was relieved when they found out they could be enrolled in MWB’s Family Sponsorship program.
Olexandr, the MWB staff member who supports the family, said, “The war greatly affected people's purchasing power. It’s become very difficult to sell agricultural products. At the same time, prices for equipment, parts, feed, fuel, and everything else have risen sharply and continue to rise.”
“The uncertainty and chronic stress of war weighs heavily on everyone. Daily rocket attacks, the death of friends and relatives, bad forecasts for the future – all of these causes apathy and fatigue in people, affecting relationships and work.”
Olexandr was impressed by how hard Roman and Iryna work – and how much they’re willing to do to give their children a better future.
Roman said, “Olexandr comes from a rural family, and knows how much sweat and tears agricultural work demands of you. Thank God that now, during the war, when the situation is becoming more and more difficult, we have support from Mission Without Borders.”
Olexandr added, “Those who generously sponsor a family in Ukraine make such an incredible difference.
One woman told me recently, ‘At this time, no one in Ukraine is sure what will tomorrow bring. We ask you to keep praying for us. You do a lot for us, and we will never forget it’.”