Bringing light to the darkness in Ukraine at Christmas

A young Ukrainian girl eats a hot meal outside in her war-torn town
A young girl eats a warm meal outside as Mission Without Borders staff deliver emergency aid to devastated communities. Families are struggling in the cold, forced to cook outside as they have no electricity or gas for heating or cooking in their war-damaged homes.

Ukrainians are struggling to survive, let alone celebrate the Christmas season, as critical civilian infrastructure continues to be targeted. Millions are without electricity and heat living in homes damaged by missile and drone attacks as the bitter cold of winter sets in.

Continued attacks on civilian areas have destroyed many settlements in regions across Ukraine. Mission Without Borders staff in Ukraine are delivering aid to liberated towns that have been left in ruins.

One woman our staff visited, whose mother is disabled and restricted to her bed described the terror her family has suffered: "The most awful feeling during bombings was to run from the fourth floor to the basement, leaving my mother in the apartment, knowing that shelling may kill her."

Many elderly and disabled can't flee to bomb shelters when attacks come
Many elderly and disabled can't flee to safety to the bomb shelters when the shelling begins.

Mission Without Borders is in Ukraine, delivering emergency aid, food, and supplies to families that have lost everything in the war. The boxes of food, clothes, and supplies bring more than emergency relief, they bring hope to those struggling in hopeless circumstances created by the war.

Your donations help deliver aid and hope to Ukrainians struggling this winter
Mission Without Borders' Operation Christmas Love not only delivers emergency food and supplies, but also hope for families struggling to survive and rebuild their lives in Ukraine. Your donations help us deliver more aid and help more families in need when and where they need it most.

Recently staff visited a block of apartments in Kherson. Damaged by the war, the building has no light, water, or electricity heating. Residents of the apartments came out and hugged the staff delivering emergency parcels. "You even can not imagine how important for us to understand, that we are not forgotten and abandoned in need. Your help inspires us to hold on." said one of the men.

"I know the word written on the box. You know, I always believed that love is expressed not with words, but with actions. Thank you for your love," said one woman standing on the porch of her destroyed house as staff gave her a parcel of food and supplies.

"I always believed that love is expressed not with words, but with actions. Thank you for your love."

You can give a gift of hope and help those struggling to rebuild their lives in Ukraine this winter.